Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2016

Midweek #ROW80 Check-In

Since I just started yesterday, I don't have much progress to report.

But, I wrote about 1000 words yesterday of a scene that will presumably start the story and that ghosted around my brain for some time now. I'm not really happy with some parts, but it's a start and I can't edit later on what I don't have.

The scene isn't finished, but today I wrote on another scene anyway. To be honest, I haven't expected to write anything at all today since I haven't managed to do so in the morning.
But there was an incidence that made me angry and just the depth of this emotion made me sit down and convert it into written words.

That means of course that now I have two unfinished scenes at different parts of my story. But since even Erich Kästner (the author of the book 'The parent trap' is based on) admitted in on of his books that stories come to him in a chaotic manner, I'm just just going with the flow for now.

All right, it's midnight and I finish at 1753 words for the whole project.

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2016

ROW80 - Round 3

Well, it seems that I'm going to try participating this round in A Round of Words in 80 Days
I've never really finished writing anything and I also never shared with others that I write at all, but that's going to change, starting now ;-)
About my goals: I plan to write a romantic novel with a Fussball (=Soccer)-playing hero. It's rather a coincidence that I started plotting around the time that the UEFA EURO 2016 started, but this makes it easier for me to do research.
The story takes place in Dortmund (a city in western Germany) and I will write in German, so I won't be able to share anything I have written, unless anybody speaks German? ;-)
Since I don't have a clue how many words it will actually take to tell my story, I took the wordcount from the example project.
Writing goal:
  • 60.000 words
Apart from that I will have to do quite some research, but I won't be able to quantify it, so I'll just note down the things that I know I will have to look up and write further about it in future blog posts.
  • Day to day life as a professional soccer player
  • visit Phoenixsee in Dortmund
  • game mechanics of soccer
  • benefits for single parents at TU Dortmund